quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2009

Santa boca suja, Batman.

What a F*%#!

Semana passada, o bat-ator Christian Bale cagou na cabeça de Shane Hurlbut, Diretor de Fotografia do novo Terminator Salvation (ou ex-Diretor, dependendo do que o Estúdio decidiu depois desse piti) por estar mudando a iluminação durante o curso da cena. Segue a transcrição do barraco:



Shane Hurlbut: Christian, Christian...

Bale: I want you off the fucking set you prick!

Shane: Christian, I'm sorry.

Bale: No, don't just be sorry, think for one fucking second. What the FUCK are you DOING ? Are you professional or not?

Shane: Yes I am.

Bale: Do I fucking walk around and rip down –

Bruce Franklin: Christian, Christian –

Bale: No, shut the fuck up Bruce! Do I want - no! No! Don't shut me up.

Franklin: I'm not shutting you up.

Bale: Am I going to walk around and rip your fucking lights down, in the middle of a scene? Then why the fuck are you walking right through? Ah da da dah, like this in the background. What the fuck is it with you? What don't you fucking understand?

Shane: (inaudible)

Bale: You got any fucking idea about, hey, it's fucking distracting having somebody walking up behind Bryce in the middle of the fucking scene? Give me a fucking answer! What don't you get about it?

Shane: I was looking at the light.

Bale: Ohhhhh, goooood for you. And how was it? I hope it was fucking good, because it's useless now, isn't it?

Shane: Ok.

Bale: Fuck-sake man, you're amateur. McG, you got fucking something to say to this prick?

McG: I didn't see it happen.

Bale: Well, somebody should be fucking watching and keeping an eye on him.

McG: Fair enough.

Bale: It's the second time that he doesn't give a FUCK about what is going on in front of the camera, alright? I'm trying to fucking do a scene here, and I am going "Why the fuck is Shane walking in there? What is he doing there?" Do you understand my mind is not in the scene if you're doing that?

Shane: I absolutely apologize. I'm sorry, I did not mean anything by it.

Bale: Stay off the fucking set man. For fuck-sake. Alright, let's go again.

McG: Let's just take a minute.

Bale: Let's not take a fucking minute, let's go again. And have YOU fucking walking in! Can I have Tom put this on please.

Franklin: Can I have Tom in wardrobe please? Can I have Tom in wardrobe?

Bale: You're unbelievable, you're un-fucking-believable. Number of times you're strolling-a-fucking around in the background. I've never had a DP behave like this. Ehhh…you don't fucking understand what it's like working with actors, that's what that is.

Shane: No, that's –

Bale: That's what that is man, I'm telling you. I'm not asking, I'm telling you. You wouldn't have done that otherwise.

Shane: No, what it is, is looking at the light and making sure, that you are, ugh –


Unknowns: Christian, Christian. It's cool.

Bale: I'm going to go…Do you want me to fucking go trash your lights? DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING TRASH YOUR? Then why are you trashing my scene?

Shane: I'm not trying to trash your scene.

Bale: You are trashing my scene!

Shane: Christian, I was only –

Bale: You do it one more fucking time and I ain't walking on this set if you're still hired. I'm fucking serious. You're a nice guy. You're a nice guy, but that don't fucking cut it when you're bullshitting and fucking around like this on set.

McG: Alright, I know, let's, let's — (inaudible) –

Bale: Yeah, you might get it. He doesn't fucking get it.

McG: I got it, I know. I get it. I get it. I know.

Bale: You might. He. Does. Not. Get It.

McG: We made good adjustments. For real, honestly. I get it. Just walk for five seconds.

Bale: No, I don't need any fucking walking. He needs to stop walking.

McG: I get that –

Bale: I ain't the one walking. Let's get Tom and put this back on and let's go again. Seriously man, you and me, we're fucking done professionally. Fucking ass.


O mais interessante foram os recordes quebrados: a palavra "FUCK" foi proferida 80 vezes em menos de quatro minutos, com média de um palavrão a cada 2,86 segundos (já teríamos o ator certo para uma versão de South Park de carne e osso).=P

O áudio, que circula pela internet ilustrado com slide-shows dos mais variados (e você pode assistir um deles aqui), já é campeão de views no You Tube e rendeu, claro, uma penca de remixes que alguns desocupados fazem para a alegria da galera (um dos melhores você pode conferir aqui).

3 comentários:

Filipe Ferreira disse...

Gooooooooooooood for you!!!

Sidnei M. Barrentos Jr. disse...

Ei! Isso distrai pra caralho!

tentativa de livre traduçao... falha.

Édnei Pedroso disse...

Hey Sidnei, are you professional or not????